The Well of Plenty



Hold your patience, the solution is almost there as tomorrow shows immense potential for getting the demands under control. The foundation stones are in and ready to take the weight of the commencement of the new build. If you have been in negotiations this month specifically since the 9th April, then today is the day to establish a connection in order to begin to benefit from the wealth and authority this will bring. The best time today to have any challenges under control is 16:00 – 18:00 BST:

The energy of the day is represented by the well of plenty, the centre point of the village. No longer is the well dry and very soon life will be restored. This is a gift that needs to be treated with respect as all of the family rely on the well so take care of your own well and ensure it is clean and fresh and well maintained. Tonight is the night of no moon and tomorrow the new moon that will continue this momentum.

For now a positive and respectful approach is needed. Do not rush when drawing from the well in order to avoid spillage.

 with best wishes

Master Kay Tom 22:04:20