May 18, 2024May 18, 2024Acupuncture, Ancient Wisdom, Balance, Blockages, chi flow, Gong Bath, Longevity, mental health, Wellbeing I Know its only Rock and Roll and I like it For years I have marvelled at the stamina and energy off the […]
April 20, 2023February 7, 2024Ancient Wisdom, Ba Zi, Chinese Astrology, Chinese Horoscopes, confidence, direction, Know the Enemy, mental health, Self Belief Chinese Astrology: Finding Your Own Inner Diamond […]
February 3, 20222022, Ancient Wisdom, Forecasts, Lunar New Year, mental health, Natural Energy, New Moon, New Year 2022, Positive Mental Attitude, Self beleif, Yearly Prediction Southern Hemisphere and Northern Hemisphere Chi Flow CHUE STYLE FENG SHUI THE 10,000 YEAR […]
August 19, 2020September 21, 2020Ancient Wisdom, Balance, Biding Your Time, Blockages, Chue Style Feng Shui, Daily Forecast, Energy, Feng Shui blog, Forecasts, Hexagrams, Humility, I Ching, I Ching Blog, Know the Enemy, Leadership, Master Kay Tom, mental health, Natural Energy, Nature's energy, Patience, Strategy Potential The energy of today holds great potential, potential that commands respect. […]