There is no stronger bond than the family bond for as they say “blood is thicker than water” and when push comes to shove it is the family unit that pulls together. Of course in all families there are disputes due to the fact there is an array of varying strengths of character to accommodate and the trigram family is no exception.

The trigrams above represent the father with the 3 solid lines and the 1st son with the two broken lines. A solid line represents yang, strength, authority and leadership. The father has this, and the first son would like to think he has but in fact is only just setting out in the world of experience as he only has the one solid line at the base. There lies the dispute. Its a generation thing, the father very set in his ways with no yin lines at all and the 1st son bringing a very different viewpoint to the table with his understanding of yin in the 2 broken lines. They are worlds apart on any agreements.

Energy moves in cycles that are known as periods of time or Fate Periods, each of which is governed by a trigram. In fact the 1st son has represented  the energy of now since 1996 to the present day. His reign started quite slowly initially with the softer approach of the yin lines but in the last 10 years has gathered momentum through his one yang line. This has shown to all of us in the increased pace of life which has just become faster and faster to a point where it is hard to stop.Busy, busy, working, travelling, networking, even at home there is no switch off because we connect through social media.

We are now in a period of transition between the ending of the Fate Period of the 1st son and the next Fate Period of the father who is sitting in the wings waiting to take control and you has better be ready! If you think time flies at the moment then hold on to your hat because the father knows nothing more than to get on with the job. There is no let up in those 3 yang lines, it all go, go, go.

The father represents dramatic change and I am already hearing of people with unexpected changes in their circumstances, and I mean significant changes. Retirement, house move, relationships ending, stress issues, financial issues to name a few. To survive this it is vital to bring in the yin energy to balance. Relaxation, health and fitness, diet and exercise, peace and quiet, all need to be on your agenda now! Fore warned is fore armed. I wish you well

Master Kay Tom; November 2015

2016 forecast available www.theenergyspecialist.com