Listening to the Whispers


Today the signal is strong so the best advice is to listen to your own intuition. The yin energy is rising and getting stronger, the situation calming and people becoming more receptive. The leaders are communicating so in the event you too hold this responsibility then this is a time to speak to your people in order to understand their needs. This can result in a rescheduling of your company policies and structure in order to suit all involved so remember a respected workforce is a productive one and the benefits will come as a consequence. Of course this all applies to the family unit too.

 The energy is changing for the better, from quiet becoming active. The wind is blowing and signals the approach of the rain that will bring the nourishment to the parched earth and its people. Only then will the luck change. The month of August is strongly indicated.

with best wishes

Master Kay Tom  26:04:20