
The energy of today is represented by the fire element that is warming and inviting. However, for a fire to burn brightly it needs to attach to something and for this reason today can also indicate separation. This is not a day to be alone. We all like to feel appreciated and respected particularly for those living alone or those who are homeless so this is a day to reach out as it is not a day for surpressing you feelings but a day of opportunity to let the sunlight in. In these challenging times this may not be an easy task but pick up the phone or ask a neighbour to get you a loaf of bread when they are next out at the shop. If no one sees your vulnerability then no one will recognise your need for help and you will forever be left out in the cold.

The energy of today is very strong and very powerful and if you can utilise it then it can produce everything. Your future can be clear and bright. This is the Universal Law.

with best wishes

Master Kay Tom  17:04:20