2025 Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake

  2025 The Year of the Snake           

Celebrated according to the cycle of the moon on the 2nd new moon after the Winter Solstice

          Chinese New Year 29:01:25

Chinese Astrology is based on information taken from the book above, the 10,000-year calendar,  that lists energetic values for every year, month, day, and hour that are calculated according to the cycle of the moon, lunar days, and the cycle of the sun, solar hours. The moon representing yin energy and the sun yang energy, these two powerful commodities then work together to co-create and produce a unique energy for every individual according to their date of birth, including the hour of birth, through their Four Pillars of Destiny.

The 4 Pillars of Destiny for 2025 according to the birthday of 2025 on the winter solstice 2024 – the longest night and the height of yin, and the shortest day, the weakest period of yang chi. The following day the daylight hours start to grow again by 3 minutes each morning and each evening. This is the birth of Yang, the birth of the energy of the New Year. Grand Master Chan Kun Wah:

From the chart above it is clear the focus of the year is that of the people wanting to produce something as the energy in the day pillar is entirely Yin Earth and yin earth is fertile and eager to develop. The yin earth, representing the people, is also confident in what it has to say as it has a strong root to rely on and to hold it firm in any storm. An added quality of the chart is that all 5 elements of the 5 element cycle are present suggesting an ability for the people to turn their hand to anything and to listen to the suggestions put forward. The people are tired of staying still and want to move on.

Born in the winter, the earth is cold making it important to find the sunshine to encourage any germination of ideas and subsequent growth. Luckily, the fire chi in the chart sits next door to the yin earth making it easier to get the warmth into a project that may be slow initially in its development but that will soon gather momentum, especially in the earlier part of the year, the seasons of spring and summer. The seasons of autumn and winter will begin to slow the progress down as the temperatures drop and the yin earth gets less motivated. The key is to strike while the iron is hot and the enthusiasm high in the earlier part of the year.

My main area of concern comes from the fact that everyone seems to want to work independantly rather than working as a team, trust seeming to be an issue. There is potential for teams to gather but this will take some effort all round. The leader of the year is the Snake who is the key motivator in the gathering of everyone’s resources to promote a united effort. He is enthusiastic and will hit the ground running with the encouragement of the Heaven Chi that he sits with. His motivation is to bring the warmth to the yin earth and to encourage the return of confidence. The month of September will see the rewards of everyone’s efforts really showing and by January 2026 the yin earth will feel more than satisfied with the progress made throughout 2025 and the healthier bank balance to show for it. The year will have been a new beginning on which to build a more secure future.

For more information on the characteristics of the Snake consult my book, Chinese Astrology, the Key to Understanding the Self. Available through my website. www.theenergyspecialist.co.uk

Wishing you every success in 2025

Master Chue Kay CH DS YHH